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SCS School 8th Grade Graduation Mass

St. Catherine of Siena school is planning on celebrating the graduation of the SCS Eighth grade students during the 6:00pm Mass this coming Friday, June 19, 2020. We are expecting a larger number of attendees for this Mass due to more families from our school being involved with this celebration.

If you are able to attend Mass at 7:45am for the Feast of the Sacred Heart on this day, please do so. This way we are able to hold Public Mass and maintain the State capacity of a maximum of 100 people per Mass without needing to turn people away.

These changes may be difficult and things may not be the same as they were before the shelter in place. Please know that we do all that we do for the safety and well being of our parishioners during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to gradually reopen our church.

Thank you.