Youth & Young Adults

Catholic Youth Ministry

Catholic Youth Ministry

The Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) of St. Catherine of Siena Parish is a fellowship of young Christians unified by the bond of friendship, and dedicated to serving God, His Church, and the community at large. CYM members us their talents to bear witnes to the Light of the Gospel with enthusiasm and love. Loyal to the Pope and the Magisterium, the youth of CYM support the total mission of the parish through their involvement in various liturgical ministries. The Catholic Youth Ministry empowers its members to face the challenge of Christ: to live holy, courageous lives marked by charity and faithfulness

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry (YAM) seeks to help young adult Catholics (ages 18 - 39) married and single) grow in their relationship with God, their understanding of the faith, their bonds of friendship with other young adults, and their commitment to serve others, especially the parish community and the poor. YAM encourages vocation discernment among its members and supports them in living the Christian life as students, professionals, and young families.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Parish youth who have received First Holy Communion may join the Altar Server Ministry. Altar Servers are the lay ecclesial ministers who prepare the altar for Holy Mass and who assist the Presider and Deacons during Holy Mass. Altar Servers may also serve at other liturgical celebrations such as baptisms, funerals, weddings, and Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. Altar Servers are expected to have a deep understanding of the Eucharistic celebration and reverence proper to serving at the altar and to be able to receive Holy Communion.Service begins with an orientation to the ministry and training on the order of the Mass, actions done during Mass, the sacred objects and books, and the prayers of the Mass. Opportunities for continuing formation and training are provided.Youth may serve from elementary through high school.

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ is called to bring families back to the plan of God, and to bring the strength and light of Christ to those who are struggling to be true Christian families in the modern world. We are a family ministry whose primary focus is on Christian family renewal and global evangelization. Our initial faith formation and renewal program is the Christian Life Program and it is open to all interested adult parishioners. The CLP helps lead individuals and couples into a renewed understanding of God’s call to us. At the completion of this program, you are invited to join a small household group where you are provided continual spiritual and emotional support and encouragement as you grow in your spiritual life. We provide ongoing formation through teachings, recollections, and retreats (e.g. ­ Family Enrichment Retreat, Marriage Enrichment Retreat, etc.) We also provide opportunities for fun and fellowship in our ministries. (e.g. ­ Family Christmas Party, Youth and Singles SportsFest, Kid’s Harvest Festival, etc.)

Families in Christ Jesus Community

Families in Christ Jesus Community

Families in Christ Jesus Community (FCJC) is a movement of Catholic Christian Communities who believe in the urgent need to respond to God’s call to proclaim and defend His Gospel on the family (Genesis 1:28; Gen 2:24). We are a part of a nationwide ministry of families bringing families to Christ. Learn more about programs, mission, and our sister communities across the United States at the national website.