Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ is called to bring families back to the plan of God, and to bring the strength and light of Christ to those who are struggling to be true Christian families in the modern world. We are a family ministry whose primary focus is on Christian family renewal and global evangelization. Our initial faith formation and renewal program is the Christian Life Program and it is open to all interested adult parishioners. The CLP helps lead individuals and couples into a renewed understanding of God’s call to us. At the completion of this program, you are invited to join a small household group where you are provided continual spiritual and emotional support and encouragement as you grow in your spiritual life. We provide ongoing formation through teachings, recollections, and retreats (e.g. ­ Family Enrichment Retreat, Marriage Enrichment Retreat, etc.) We also provide opportunities for fun and fellowship in our ministries. (e.g. ­ Family Christmas Party, Youth and Singles SportsFest, Kid’s Harvest Festival, etc.)

Any validly married Catholic couple may join. Although a Catholic movement/organization, CFC remains open to having non-Catholic Christians as members. There are also family ministries under CFC for the youth, kids, singles, widows, and divorcees.


Contact Us

If you would like more information or interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Jun Timbang or check out our website at